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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

4 Tips on Using Green Screen Technology

Since discovering how green screens work, I have been experimenting with them.

I recently purchased the Do ink green screen and animation apps. I watched the introduction videos and played around with the features. I made one of my friends appear as if she was a monkey on the tower of Pisa. I made my sister have an identical twin and the twins high-fived each other. It was a lot of fun.

While I was doing this I made some observations:

1. The technology works a whole lot better if the screen is smooth. So if you are going to use chromo key, then make sure that your material is wrinkle free and pulled tight.

2. Be careful with the clothing you wear. When using this technology do not wear clothing that is the same color (or close to the same color) as the background you are using. Be careful not to wear sparkly clothing or anything that will reflect light. By paying careful attention to the clothes you wear, you are making your videos even better.

3. Do not move! While Do ink does work with motion, the video turns out better if you hold still. If you can, limit the motion of the video without limiting your creative expression.

4. Use the animations to take your video to the next level. Do ink has an app called Do ink Animations , that allows you to create your own animations and drawings. If you use Do ink Green Screen and Do ink Animations together, then you can put one of your amazing animations into your green screen video! There are endless possibilities!

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